Automate Your Workflow: Enhance Efficiency and Productivity

Cutting-Edge Software Solutions

Automatization of Processes

Automatization of Processes

Business Consultation

Business Consultation

Customized Software

Customized Software

UI/UX Design Services

UI/UX Design Services

Support Management

Support Management

We offer automation of processes tailored to your needs, business consultation, customized software solutions, UI/UX design services, and comprehensive support management until you achieve your goals!



Our main objective is to identify the parts of your workflow that can be automated. We will achieve this by observing the daily manual tasks performed by your employees. Are your employees often in a rush to complete their tasks? If so, we can automate these processes, even those you may not have considered automating.

Once we identify what can be automated, we will swiftly and efficiently begin developing the necessary tools for your company using our extensive software resources. This could be a mobile app, a website, a desktop application, an API, a script, or a database—whatever you need.

Altan Yalmaz - Founder

Altan Yalmaz

Founder of the company


Streamline Operations with Custom Automation Solutions

Here are some stories our founder has encountered and automatized.

Automatization of Processing Orders at Returns Department

You can't automate without knowing the process and having hands-on experience. We worked in the returns department to learn how they operate and process orders from start to finish. The second step was to identify what could be automated. The third step was to calculate the approximate savings. As a result, we found that the speed of processing one order could be increased by 37%. Our founder heard a big "Wow!" from the site manager. Considering 15 employees work in the department, this equates to a savings equivalent to 5 employees, amounting to nearly "180,000 euros" annually. Additionally, the improvement in customer satisfaction and their customers' satisfaction is immeasurable.

CMR Generator Application

The preparation and printing of an average of 30 CMRs attached to delivery notes used to require six hours of work per day from a single employee. This process incurred an annual cost of approximately 30,000 euros for a basic customer service employee. We have now fully automated this process. With just one click, the application handles all aspects of CMR preparation and printing, including printing the related delivery notes. In addition, the CMR Generator was honored as a KAIZEN of the Month within the company's chain in the Netherlands, Belgium, and Germany.

Proof of Delivery Downloader/Storerer/Requester Application

Last year, the company shipped 3,600 orders using KLG and Mainfreight carriers. Each order had multiple order numbers, resulting in 3,600 times the number of sub-orders. Proof of delivery (POD) for each sub-order number had to be downloaded individually from the Mainfreight or KLG websites. Our calculations showed that if a single employee were to download, store, and request all PODs, it would take nine/ten months of work, costing over 37,000 euros. Now, with just one click, the application handles the entire POD downloading, storing, and requesting process.

UPS Claim Filler

The company faced significant challenges in claiming parcels from UPS on behalf of their customers. These claims were consistently 10 months behind schedule, leading to increased pressure from customers and a sense of urgency within the company. The situation was chaotic. Completing one UPS claim form used to take 15 minutes, with over 200 parcels to claim each month. This workload translated to nearly 7 work days per month, costing approximately 14,000 euros annually for a basic customer service employee. We have automated this process, allowing employees to simply upload an empty claim form, which the program then completes automatically. As a result, there is no rush, no stress, and ultimately, a satisfied customer.

All these automations also reduce human errors that often go unnoticed. For example, entering the wrong address in a CMR can lead the driver to the wrong destination, resulting in additional costs.

Let us see the unseen.


We’ve seen what we could do for you. You haven’t seen it yet.

We understand the frustration of performing the same tasks every day. Many of the steps you take are repetitive. Fortunately, these are precisely the kinds of tasks we can automate for you.

Identify Workflow Bottlenecks

Identify Workflow Bottlenecks and Implement Efficient Automation


Contact Us to Discuss Any Query You Have.

At KLUXIN, we streamline your workflow by automating daily tasks. We identify and automate processes your team may rush through, enhancing efficiency. Once identified, we quickly develop the necessary tools—be it a mobile app, website, desktop application, API, script, or database. Join us to push boundaries and maximize efficiency with cutting-edge technology.

Or You may Call Us For Appointment

(+31) 685598776

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